Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Weight Workout

As you get older, you realize weights are more and more of your friend. Throughout the years I have always been more of a cardio person (and still am for the most part), but I quickly came to realize I need weights in my workout to keep me fit, healthy & toned. I certainly enjoy the peacefulness I get with running or walking, but weights are what is going to get me to love the body that I want. I encourage everyone to lift weights as they get older. For nothing more than to keep you from aging faster than you need to.

Note: I love food and a good glass of wine so not working out is NOT an option for me!

This is a simple workout routine* below that anyone can do and it takes no more than 45min to an hour to complete. It should be done 3x a week with alternating cardio days - biking, jogging, walking. Enjoy!

Warm UpJog for 6 min
StretchBridge - 90 sec.Plank - 90 sec.
Alternate 3x Each
Chest Press20lbs12 reps
Lunges w/ weighted ball12lb Ball8 Lunges Each Leg
Alternate 3x Each
Lat Pulldown40lbs12 reps
Squat Machine40lbs10 reps
Alternate 3x Each
Shoulder Press10lbs12 reps
Step Ups (kick Machine)25lbs12 Reps Each Leg
Alternate 3x Each
Bicep Curls20lbs12 reps
Lift - Romanian Dead Lift30lbs12 reps
Alternate 3x Each
Tricep Extension15lbs12 reps
Abs/Leg Lifts Over Head10 reps

*Please make sure to check with your doctor before beginning a workout regime. This workout is based on my height & weight so tweak it to your comfort zone so no injuries occur.

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