Thursday, June 6, 2013

Travel Food Tricks: Toddlers

So as I was packing clothes for a recent family vacation I started thinking about our grocery list of things I have to get once we get there. With that thought, I realized I always have a few staples on my list that I know will keep my kids going throughout the day and make them feel comfortable while out of their element.

Some of those travel food items include:
Organic Whole Milk
Shredded Cheese
Whole Wheat Tortillas
Chobani Kids Yogurt
Black Beans
Berries - Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries
Cheerios (Plain)
Almond Butter & All Natural Jelly
Whole Wheat Bread
Annie's Homegrown Mac & Cheese
(All Organic, whenever possible)

Having food items that your toddler is used to having at home is key. You'll notice alot of fruit on my list which I try to make our main source of snacks throughout the day. Of course, vacation is for splurging and trying new things, but they thrive off comfort. Waking up to a simple breakfast of yogurt and granola will set the pace for a good day - say, instead of a giant donut or bagel which are certainly tend to be beach time essentials. I typically let them pick one or two days where they can pick a giant sprinkle donut - after all, it is vacation and I'm not evil!

Also, kids tend to eat a different times than adults. Its called constant snacking. With a few staples above I can easily whip up back bean quesadillas & guacamole and avoid tantrums before the adults sit down for dinner. We also typically do a fast food stop (which I'm not the biggest fan of) on the way to the beach if it falls during a meal time, but on the way home I always pack sandwiches, fruit, and pretzels to munch on - again, to avoid any drive-thru we might encounter with growling bellies. It works for me, maybe it'll work for you too!

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