Monday, February 25, 2013

Peanut Butter: All Natural. One Ingredient.

In our house we put PB on everything - toast, celery, apples, spoons - you name it :) When I was pregnant with my daughter over 5 years ago I had an "ah-ha" moment. As I was growing this baby inside me I came to the realization that I was solely responsible for nourishing this tiny little being. How could I possibly put things into my body knowing it was going directly to my unborn child. Chemicals, toxins, pesticides, etc. I started my own personal nutrition movement with peanut butter and I will never forget it.

I've told this story one thousand times so forgive me if you've heard it before. I am a PB & J girl - always have been and always will be. Its just an easy go-to comfort food for me and not to mention its easy to prepare for the kids. I grew up eating "regular" peanut butter - loaded with sugar and salt - not knowing anything different. And no disrespect to my parents, they didn't know any better either. Who knew peanut butter had so much crap in it? As I embarked on my nutrition movement, I decided to switch from old fashioned "regular" peanut butter to an all natural peanut butter which had only 1 ingredient - peanuts! I was completely unaware there was actually a peanut butter on the market that didn't contain sugar and could provide you the health benefits it intended . It only took me 26 years to discover this and I don't want you to go another day. Once I made the switch I never looked back on any other brand. Natural peanut butter is absolutely delicious and there are so many brands out there now that you can find it almost anywhere!

It is such a simple switch, and yet makes an enormous impact on your health...and your kids. They won't even know the difference! I'll be honest and say its a bit pricier than conventional peanut butter, but worth it in every way.

Tip: If you buy natural PB it requires stirring after opening due to the separation of oil and peanuts. Once purchased, store upside down to allow the oil to mix through evenly. After opening, store in refrigerator.

Here are a few of my favorites:
Trader Joes
Crazy Richards
Whole Foods - My kids LOVE to make their own PB!

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