Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My First 10K...a Commitment to Me

So, it may not sound like much, but a 10k is a big deal for me - in more ways than one. Yes, its 6.2 miles of running and yes, you have to keep a certain pace or you get booted off the course (yikes!)....but more importantly its a personal commitment I'm making to myself. I have been a runner (by my standards only) for over 10 years, but for pure enjoyment and peace of mind mainly. Its the biggest stress release for me to strap on my tennis shoes and just start running. I never go to far, nor have I ever had to. I usually ran anywhere from 30-60 min listening to music, clearing my head...and then on to the next task back at home. I don't want to come across as a martyr because I certainly don't feel like one, but since I had kids I definitely put them first before myself. Having three kids almost back-to-back left me with little time alone, a staggered exercise regimen and a yoga class here and there for solitude. Although I'll take anything I could get, I never wanted to make the commitment of signing up for a race in fear I wouldn't make the goal due to pregnancy symptoms, recovery, sick kids, you name it. I knew whatever I did I would have to train for it because I was just a leisure runner. I've finally gotten to a place (with a bit of a push) to make this commitment for ME. Just for me.

So...I went and signed up for the Pike's Peak 10k in April and couldn't be more psyched! (And I might have conjured my younger sister into doing it with me - thanks Kels!). I don't have any doubts I can run the mileage, but I've been known to freak myself out on "game day". I just hope when the day comes I find a sense of peace and just run my heart out. Thats all I want to do is put one foot in front of the other and finish. And to see my family at the end of the finish line - that would certainly make that run that much sweeter.

I am so proud of the family my husband and I created together and to see their faces as I cross another finish line of a commitment we made together - I'm sure it'll bring tears to my eyes. Those personal experiences you enjoy as a mom make you that much better of a person. I never want to look back and wish I had done anything different. I would stress to any mom to still work at accomplishing your goals - even if its just a 10k like me!

I began my training this week and so far so good. I've only had to run 2-2.5 miles and did a Pilates class (which I'm really sore from). I'm sure there will be grueling days ahead. If you'll let me, I'll take you all on my journey with me to let you in on my progress...who knows, maybe you'll consider doing something for YOU soon too!

Kristen xoxo

For more information on Pikes Peek 10k, please visit their website:


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