Thursday, March 14, 2013

Vitamin Supplements

This couldn't be a more perfect time to discuss vitamin supplementation.  I mean it when I say, I never get sick...ever. But as we speak, the cough is getting deeper and the body aches are starting to crawl up my back. I guess after 7 days of 24 Triage (as I like to call it) with three kids I was bound to catch something. I'm officially sick. Ugh. Ironically the only supplement I don't take which many people are deficient in is Vitamin C - the immune system booster! I honestly believe your immune system is more affected by lack of sleep than anything - which ANY mom can take for granted. Guess I was taking my good health for granted.

Anyway, as of last week, I'm now a proud owner of my very own pillbox. At least its cute and purple..right?! Growing up I was never been much of a pill taker - whether it be a multivitamin or Tylenol - but as I've gotten older I've realized the importance of supplementing. No matter how active you are or how well you try and eat, different factors play a role in how your body absorbs nutrients. From where you live, to family history, to genetic abnormalities, any of these factors can make you feel "off". If you're not feeling like yourself (and you should know your body's signals), I highly recommend getting blood work done at your doctor's office to see if you're deficient in certain areas. It takes no more than a few minutes to test a slue of things that can tell you so much about your health. You get your results within days and can begin fueling those deficiencies with added vitamins in your diet. 

In my family history, my mom suffers from hypothyroidism and knowing that pregnancy can exacerbate symptoms I always get checked a few months after my babies are born. I've been lucky to have had negative results thus far. Another common deficiency is Vitamin D (especially in the winter months) due to the lack of sun and outdoor activity. You can also be a proactive supplement taker - Vitamin C for example - is an excellent immune booster for any time of the year! (oops!)

Some Common Vitamin Deficiencies:
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • B Vitamins
  • Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
I take all of the above in the form of a Multivitamin (essential to cover any nutritional deficiency) , Super B Complex (specifically for added energy and oxygen flow), as well as a Fish Oil Supplement (with EPA & DHA due to my family history of heart disease). I also eat salmon at lease once a week as well as ground flaxseed which is another form of EFA.

I'm sure most doctors and nutritionists would say to get most of your nutrients from whole foods. As I would agree, its almost impossible to guarantee the amount of proper vitamins and nutrients you're ingesting on a daily basis through food. This is why supplementing is so important, in my opinion. Taking the recommended dose*, your body won't overdose on these supplements. Your body will absorb what it needs and the rest will be flushed out in your urine (sorry for the details, but its important to know). I can say I feel better for taking them - maybe you can too!

*Please always check with your doctor before beginning a supplement program.

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