Friday, March 1, 2013

True Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom

  1. I sometimes use the kid's bath time as an excuse to breathe. And to contain them.
  2. When my husband calls to say he'll be home late, I immediately poor myself a glass of wine (or two!).
  3. I wear workout clothes almost everyday just in case I make it to the gym.
  4. I pray daily that I'll find my inner peace to never yell again. It hasn't worked yet.
  5. As much as I despise fast food I always have chicken nuggets and french fries in my freezer.
  6. I'm secretly happy when my kids say "yucky" to #5.
  7. Getting my nails done is my getaway these days. It used to be Miami Beach. (sigh)
  8. I've been known to eat a cupcake for breakfast - it was a Georgetown Cupcake and it was staring me in the face, I swear :)
  9. I'm obsessed with Pottery Barn Kids Bento Boxes and enjoy every moment of packing my kids lunch.
  10. I've given up on the "no TV" rule before dinner. Its changed my life!
  11. I have realized that when I put the kids in time-out its really for me.
  12. Candles make everything better - especially Yankee Candle Pumpkin Buttercream. YUM!
  13. I can make a mean grilled cheese and I'm proud of it.
  14. I dance with my kids everyday. Its should try it!
  15. I take no better joy then walking into a clean home. #amazingcleaninglady
  16. I kind of miss Dora the Explorer.
  17. My friends are my therapy...sorry ladies :)
  18. Besides my family, Country Music is the love of my life.
  19. I kind of don't mind when I wake up with little toes in my face. I know that it won't last forever .
  20. I LOVE being a mom. I'm not perfect and that's OK because I'm happy <3

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