Friday, April 5, 2013

Mommy Lifesaver #3: Pinterest

Happy Friday!

Just like Facebook at one point, Pinterest was something that took me a while to catch on to. I thought it was just another social media site trying to get your personal information for their greater use. I had never actually seen the site before and here I was a stay-at-home mom of 2 little girls (at the time) and was attending birthday party after birthday party of all these creative - and extravagant - ideas. I always thought I was creative when it came to my kids parties, but this was on a whole different level. It peaked my interest and within days - I was HOOKED! Pinterest has become not only one of my favorite online sites, but a mommy lifesaver as well.

I already liked to cook, plan parties, shop, and eat well, but this gave me a forum to "pin" everything in one place so I could go back and refer to quickly and easily. Almost everything I have pinned, I have gone back and utilized or will soon in the future. Its a virtual pin board of all of your thoughts and ideas- sort of mommy inspiration.  I do have boards which are pure fantasy - expensive clothes, shoes, and home decorating ideas - but then I have boards which save me so much time and have helped streamline my mommy processes - kid activities, recipes, and organization techniques. Its genius!

Making these for my kids for our Disney Trip

Anyway, I'm sure Pinterest isn't new to anyone here, but I wanted to share how much its helped me as a mom. Here are a few things I have learned from Pinterest:
  1. Recipes don't have to be extravagant to be delicious.
  2. Healthy meals can be some of your simplest meals.
  3. I have learned how to cut out many steps of my cooking processes.
  4. Words of inspiration are good for your peace of mind.
  5. Living in a dream world of mansions and scenic backyards is perfectly fine.
  6. Someday I will tackle everything on my Organization Obsession board. Its a goal!
  7. Having a vision board is important for conquering those goals.
  8. Teachers these days get the best gifts, unlike what we grew up giving them. Sorry.
  9. My style would be really good if I had the money and time to shop more!
  10. As a whole, Pinterest helps you think outside the box, which really is a good thing ;)
I don't see Pinterest as intimidating, I see it as a learning tool to improve on what I already know and to simplify my current lifestyle. To follow me on Pinterest, click here! Happy Pinning!!

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