Friday, April 26, 2013

My 10K Training Schedule

For those of you who were interested, below is the training schedule I followed (to the best I could) throughout the weeks leading up to the race. I believe its important to stick as closely to a training program as much as possible - that's what its designed for. There is likely to be setbacks and obstacles in your way with your schedule, but don't let that discourage you.  If you need to, take a day off to rest and get right back to it the very next day! Don't stress yourself out, this should be fun.

Note: I couldn't figure out how to make the chart prettier. But you get the gist :)

From the beginning of my training process I used an iPhone App called Map My Run. I found this application extremely helpful in tracking my runs and my progress - calculating pace, distance, routes, etc. It is so user friendly and I would highly recommend this to anyone starting out. After your first few runs you get a good idea of your natural pace which helps you determine if you want to stick to that or speed up/slow down throughout your run.

My Personal Training Tips
  1. Get a Plan - I just happened to Google a training plan for a 10K and modified it (chart above) to what I enjoy. I like being active everyday so those "rest" days in the first few weeks were more of weights or light walking for me.
  2. Grab a friend - I truly enjoy the time I get to work out alone, but having someone to run alongside on race day was something I didn't think twice about. It helps you stick to your goal!
  3. Proper Attire is Key - Not only is it important to choose comfortable workout attire, but also to make sure its weather appropriate. Good running shoes are essential - and they don't have to be expensive. Just make sure you have trained in the shoes you'll be running in..or you feet might regret it.
  4. Stay Hydrated - Not one tip is more important than this one, in my opinion. Staying hydrated will keep you from getting fatigued and keep cramps at bay during the race and will also keep your focus off unexpected hunger. Proper hydration is so key!
  5. Stay Healthy- This should be a no-brainer and hopefully by deciding to start training for any type of race you've already jumped on the health bandwagon - good for you! I highly recommend daily vitamins & supplements to boost your immune system and recharge your overall health.
  6. Have Fun - Simply put, enjoy yourself. This shouldn't be grueling. Make small goals for yourself  and what you know you can handle. The reward will come on race day when you cross that finish line - I promise!

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